


  • All the candidates who intend to participate for award paper/poster competition should register for PHONOCON 2023

A) Rising Star

  • Otolaryngologists under 40 years of age, to present their original work in laryngology
  • Must be member of APSI at time of sending abstract or at least applied for membership
  • Selection will be based on the abstract send; the best 8 will be selected here and rest will be slotted in the Consultant Award paper section
  • The full text of the shortlisted abstract to be submitted before 30.01.2023

(The full text article shall be considered for publication at the official journal of APSI-IJOPL if accepted after peer review)

B) Award paper for consultants

  • Otolaryngologists to present their original work in Laryngology
  • Must be member of APSI at time of sending abstract or at least applied for membership
  • The selection is based on abstracts submitted; the best 10 abstracts will be selected for oral presentation and the rest will be allotted in poster competition categor

C) Award paper for speech language pathologist

  • Practising speech language pathologists; Not intended for BASLP students
  • The topic should be related to laryngology

D) PG Award paper

  • ENT postgraduate students (DLO, MS, DNB) presenting on topics related to Laryngology only
  • The selection is based on abstracts submitted; the best 8 abstracts will be selected for oral presentation and the rest will be allotted in poster competition category
  • Must produce a certificate from HOD, Head of Institution

E) Poster competition (ENT Surgeons/Post graduates in ENT / SLP)

  • Any delegate who have registered for Phonocon 2023
  • Postgraduate students in ENT (DLO, MS, DNB)
  • Postgraduate students in speech language pathology & deglutology
  • The topic of presentation should be related to Laryngology only

Post graduates must produce a certificate from HOD, Head of Institution

The guidelines for abstract submission

The abstract should be informative but concise and structured under following headers.

  • Title
  • Background /Objective of the study
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusion

The title must be short and concise. Informative titles indicating the key points of the study are encouraged

Authors: Please enter your and co-authors full name and official address

The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission. The presenting author must be listed as the first author

Abstracts must include unpublished data with a text limit of 500 words.

Do not include references in the abstract.

Abbreviations should not be used in the title.

Acronyms should be written in full the first time as mentioned in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis.

Always follow SI units.

The last date for submission of the abstract is 17.01.2023

The notification regarding the acceptance as paper or as poster will be sent to the presenter as email.


Abstracts to be submitted to abstract@phonocon.com




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